Caravans for Cardiovascular Disease Screening SOLIBRA

Caravans for Cardiovascular Disease Screening SOLIBRA


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Caravans for Cardiovascular Disease Screening SOLIBRA

Wednesday 19 December 2018
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The caravan which traveled through several municipalities in Abidjan from December 8 to 19, 2018 was initiated with a view to screening the general public for cardiovascular diseases.
This action is part of an awareness campaign relating to a healthy lifestyle.

In order to successfully raise awareness and screen populations in target communities, the DIDIER DROGBA Foundation has surrounded itself with cardiologists from the Abidjan Heart Institute and nurses from the National Program for the Fight against Metabolic Diseases. . The activity made it possible to lay the foundations for education relating to a healthy lifestyle and to identify the cardiovascular risk factors of the populations visited.

The cardiovascular disease screening caravan was held from December 8 to 19, 2018 in several communes of Abidjan, namely Yopougon, Abobo, Attécoubé, Anono, Treichville and Koumassi.

As part of this awareness and screening campaign, emphasis was placed on raising awareness and educating target populations.

2,599 people screened

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The Didier Drogba Foundation is dedicated to supporting the most disadvantaged. Since children are the future, they are central to our mission. We deeply appreciate your generous contributions and support.